If you have any questions, feel free to call Burns Middle School at: 704-476-8223 or email: burnsmiddle@clevelandcountyschools.org
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. What are the school hours?
The doors to Burns Middle School open at 7:30a.m. Classes begin PROMPTLY at 7:55 and end at 3:00. The first bell will ring at 7:50. All students must be in class by 7:55. Anyone not in class when the bell sounds will be considered tardy.
2. What do I need to do when my child is absent?
Notes documenting legal absences must be submitted to the school within two school days of the absence in order for it to be excused. Parents should always keep copies of all doctors' notes, etc. in case questions arise later about a particular absence.
Please note: Middle School and High School - No student is eligible to go on any field trip or school sponsored activity that results in a loss of class time without prior permission of the principal or designee when the student has reached the maximum number of class absences.
What to do about missed work: When any absence occurs, whether excused or unexcused, the student is expected to make up missed work. Students are entitled to make up work from an excused absence without receiving penalties to their marks or grades. Each school shall determine whether teachers may assess a reasonable academic penalty for work that is late due to an unexcused absence. High school and middle school students are responsible for securing and arranging make-up work from their teachers. Teachers shall help students accept this responsibility by providing information and assistance concerning missed assignments. The teacher will determine when work is to be made up.
3. What if my child is late getting to school?
Being "on time" for the beginning of the school day and remaining for the entire day are expectations for students at Burns Middle School. All students should be in class by 7:55, anyone not in class when the tardy bell sounds will be considered tardy. When students are tardy to school, the parent must come into the school to sign-in their student in the office. Unexcused tardies and unexcused early dismissals will result in a school discipline consequence of ASD, ISS or OSS. (See BMS Tardy Policy-Unexcused Tardies/Unexcused Early Sign Outs.)
4. What if my child has to leave school for an appointment, etc...?
1. Any student leaving school at any time, for any reason, prior to dismissal time, must sign out with the receptionist in the office.
2. Students may be signed out by parents/legal guardians. Parents must come in the office and sign the sign out sheet.
3. Students to be signed out by a non-parent must have parent verification before office approval is given. Students who know in advance that they will be signing out should bring a note from home giving the reason for leaving early, the time they will be leaving, the name of the person who will be picking them up and a phone number where the parent can be reached.
4. An automated phone message is automatically generated from our central office any time a student is not present for the ENTIRE day, telling parents the child was ABSENT - even if the child is checked out at 2:55! This does not mean your child was marked absent for the entire day. Early dismissals may result in a school discipline consequence of ASD, ISS or OSS. (See BMS Tardy Policy-Unexcused Tardies/Unexcused Early Sign Outs.)
5. Can my child carry his/her cell phone on him/her during school?
Cell phones and other wireless communication devices ( includes watches) may not be activated, used, displayed, turned on, handled, or visible during the instructional day. They should be turned OFF and in the student's book bag. This is per Cleveland County Schools Policy.
If a student is found using or displaying a cell phone or wireless communication device during the instructional day:
1st offense–Up to one day in school suspension.
2nd offense–Up to one day out of school suspension.
3rd offense–Up to five days out of school suspension.
Cleveland County School Board Policy for Habitual offenders or egregious behaviors: **Student can be prohibited from bringing a cell phone or wireless device on school campus and a student’s cell phones or wireless device may be subject to confiscation.
NOTE: On EOG/NCFE/Checkin Test Days - All cell phones will be turned into the teacher admonistering the test and MUST be turned off. They are not allowed for ANY reason (unless the device is used for diabetic monitoring only) in a testing room. If found on the student or if it goes off, a Test Misadministration will occur and disciplinary action will be taken. This is NCDPI policy.
Any items including, but not necessarily limited to, cellular telephones, pagers or beepers, CD players, headphones, MP3 players, I-Pods or any camera, brought to school that are not necessary for schoolwork, may be confiscated - if they are visible. CCS policy dictates that all "communication devices may NOT be turned on, handled, or visible during the instructional day or other school functions without prior approval by the school administration."
Items confiscated must be returned to the parent, guardian, or adult designee. Items confiscated will not be returned to siblings or others still in high school. Students who have electronic devices taken multiple times will face disciplinary action as allowed under the CCS Code of Conduct. Additionally items being used in an inappropriate manner such as hornets (modified paperclips), tape balls, rubber bands, and lighters are also considered contraband.
6. Can I call my child at school?
Teachers are not to allow students to miss class time to make a phone call, except in emergency situations. Students may use the phone in the front office (with permission of the teacher and secretary), if a true emergency exists; otherwise, no request to use the phone should be made. We do not call students out of class to take phone calls. We will be glad to get a message to your child for you. If a true emergency exists, please ask to speak with an administrator to approve an exception.
Yes - See Attached letter.