Dress Code
Cleveland County Schools Board Policy 4316
Students are expected to adhere to standards of dress and appearance that are compatible with a safe and effective learning environment. The Cleveland County Board of Education adopts a dress code to create a positive learning environment, teach good grooming and hygiene, instill discipline, prevent disruption, avoid safety hazards, and teach respect for authority. Presenting a bodily appearance or wearing clothing which is disruptive, provocative, revealing, profane, vulgar, offensive or obscene, or which endangers the health or safety of the student or others, is prohibited.
1. Caps, hats, bandanas, sweatbands, other head coverings or sunglasses may not be worn inside school buildings or other areas designated by the school.
2. Shirts or blouses may not be see-through and must cover the abdomen, chest, both shoulders, and back completely.
3. Pants may not be excessively baggy or drag the floor. Pants must be worn on the waist, with a belt, if necessary, to hold them up. Any type of wording or message appearing on the seat of the pants is prohibited.
4. Messages, imagery or advertisement on clothing, bookbags or jewelry that promote or encourage the use of tobacco, alcohol or illegal drugs; depict violence; are of a lewd, obscene, vulgar or sexual nature; or are disruptive are prohibited.
5. Undergarments must not be exposed.
6. Appropriate footwear is required. Bedroom shoes or slippers are not allowed.
7. Any adornment, such as chains or spikes, that reasonably could be perceived as or used a weapon are not allowed.
8. Sleepwear is prohibited.
9. Excessively short, tight or oversize clothing is prohibited.
Principals shall exercise appropriate discretion in implementing this policy, including making reasonable accommodations on the basis of students' sincerely held religious beliefs or medical conditions. Individual schools are free to specify additional examples of dress or appearance that are prohibited at that school consistent with this policy.
If a student's dress or appearance is such that it constitutes a threat to the health or safety of others, distracts the attention of other students or staff from their work, or otherwise violates this dress code, the principal or designee may require the student to change his or her dress or appearance. A second or repeated violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action
First offense for dress code is call home and change. 2nd offense a day in ISS, 3rd offense OSS.